I picked up street photography in the fall of 2023 as a way to document my travels more seriously. Prior to the trip I did to Namibia last September I had only ever shot on iPhones (not the latest either). I picked up an SLR camera and got to work in what turned out to be an incredibly fruitful attempt at travel street photography. I’ve always loved designing for print, so I decided to compile the results of the first 6 months into a volume, complete with stories behind certain photos, cultural details, and my own stream of consciousness style musings that I jot down on the go. 

This first volume will set the tone for what I anticipate to be many more. As of writing in July 2024 I have multiple drafts out to multiple printers, having noticed that small-batch photo book printing gets expensive quickly. My end goal is to distribute these amongst family and friends, those who have seen my work on Instagram, etc. so cost is a decisive factor. Once the details are sorted out I’ll have copies available for anyone who wants them.

Alex Sweet 

Available for full time + Freelance
© 2024 All work created and owned by Alex Sweet
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